Snapshots of a Romanian Saker Falcon family’s life

At the end of May 2013 a Saker Falcon was caught and tagged with satellite transmitter. The data from this Saker’s transmitter named Toro gives information about the way Sakers use their hunting territory, their habitats preference, their various prey sources and the size of a Romanian Saker Falcon breeding territory. Not long before, these information could be gained only through direct observation made by ornithologists standing long hours in a certain place next to the nest, which despite of the huge effort offered only a small amount of the information which modern technology gives us nowadays.

Suslik repatriation in Kiskunság NP

In summer 2013, we repatriated about 200 susliks into an area in Kiskunság National Park that had used to be land for crop production, but it was restored as a grassland in frame of a conservation project of Kiskunság National Park Directorate (KNPD). The recent conservation status of the area is very good, in some parts being already very similar to natural grassland. When deciding on the location of the repatriation, ground water level was also considered to prevent later problem. On the chosen location, there are extensive grasslands on higher ground (further away from ground water) that can ensure safe dormant period for susliks. Another important criterium was the long-term sustainability of grassland management by grazing or mowing, in order to provide short grass vegetation for the animals. The location is sfae, undisturbed and managed by KNPD thus protection and conservation of susliks in the area is ensured. The repatriation was encouraged by the telling local names like „Suslik-hill land” that refers to the time when susliks had inhabited the area, before the farmers' association ploughed it.  

Madár (Birdy) released recovered Saker Falcon

'Madár', Zsolt Erdei world champion boxer released the recovered Saker Falcon that had been found more than a month ago, near Tisza Lake, Hungary.

Bíborka fledged

In the past days, the life of the observed Saker pair came to a turning point: Bíborka, the only chicks of the pair this year, fledged. Although many people worried, experts found her alive and kicking, near the nest, perching on a pylon.

Dangerous poles of the electricity distribution network in Northeast Bulgaria are being insulated

The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) and Energo-Pro Grid started to insulate the most vulnerable sections of the electricity distribution network in northeastern Bulgaria in order to protect the birds and improve the quality of service.

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