Monitoring activities seek answers to the following questions

In the monitoring, we are seeking answers for the following questions:

  1. How is the number of breeding pairs changing in the studied population?
  2. Where are the most important habitats for saker falcons? (breeding, foraging, wintering and temporary settlement areas)
  3. How successful are the breeding of pairs in the subsequent years? (occupation of nests, breeding, raising chicks, fledging)
  4. What areas are the best quality areas? (breeding success, stability of eyries)
  5. What are the prey species and what are their proportions in the diet of various pairs?
  6. What the main reasons for mortality in the various age classes? (egg, chick, juvenile, immature, adult)
  7. What are seasonal threats threatening the breeding?
  8. What are the impacts of the conservation measures?
  9. What are the long term changes threatening the studied population?
  10. What are the results of the different conservation measures?    
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